viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009

Peach scab, cribado del melocoton

Peach scab is caused by the fungus Cladosporium carpophylium which infects peaches, nectarines, and apricots.
If no controls are used, fruit may become cracked if the environmental conditions during spring and early summer are good for scrb development. When it's craccked by scab, the peach becomes dry and shrivel and allow invasion of other fungi.

Fungicides provide adequate control of this disease if applications are properly timed. On peaches, sprays should begin about one week after petal fall. On nectarines and apricots sprays should begin at about petal fall. Subsequents sprays should be applied at 10-14 day intervals until aproximately one month before harvest.

Infections occuring within four weeks of harvest don't result in visible lesions.

english link and other

Visible peach scab damage:

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